Display fallout shelter sign
Display fallout shelter sign

In May 1964, a civil defense exercise was held at Quincy High School, and student volunteers spent 24 hours in the school’s Fallout Shelter. This can even happen in your local public Fallout Shelter. People fall in love everywhere, at any time, and sometimes with someone they just met. 1 Comment Love in a Fallout Shelter: Falling in love when you’re undergroundĪs the saying goes, love is blind and the term “love at first sight” can be a very real thing. Special thanks for sharing them and allowing us to use them. Ho Toy Noodle still exists but is operating out of other locations in Boston and a suburb south of Boston.Īt least if it was ever used as a shelter, the food would have been better than the rations.Įxterior and interior Fallout Shelter photos owned by FFZ.īasement photos provided by Vincent Tocco, Jr. The building itself is several stories but entirely vacant, and it is unknown if the shelter area was just in the basement or on other floors. shows the only object of any interest in the building, the remains of a very old boiler. The building is just a gutted shell now awaiting some future demo. was in the building and sent these photos and info: There was also at least one interior sign as recently as 2017, but its current status is unknown. The Essex Street sign was removed in 2017, and the one on Oxford Street a year later in 2018. There was a second exterior sign on the Oxford Street side of the building. These photos, taken in December 2010, show an exterior Fallout Shelter sign facing Essex Street. It has since moved, but the building that it once called home is still there and was marked as a Fallout Shelter.

display fallout shelter sign display fallout shelter sign

The Ho Toy Noodle Company was located for many years in Chinatown at 72-79 Essex Street, just on the edge of Chinatown.

Display fallout shelter sign