Flat stanley costume
Flat stanley costume

flat stanley costume

Let us know if they have any special requests in your letter. We are happy to send your Flat Stanley / Flat Ranger on their way to other National Parks after their visit here. Often, we find that they have even taken photos of themselves, or even bring back maps to share with students when they return. They will be able to explore the grounds, and will travel back with their book stamped, and stories to tell about their visit. Your Flat Stanley / Flat Ranger would love to learn about the culture of this area, and what makes this park special. Your Flat Stanley / Flat Ranger will get a personal tour of Cane River Creole NHP and explore the unique resources of the Cane River area, and the stories of the people who lived here. Looking for a destination for your Flat Stanley / Flat Ranger? Look no further - have them come visit Cane River Creole NHP today!

flat stanley costume

Place a sticker on each of the states you’ve visited with Flat Stanley.Grade Level: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade How many states have you visited with Flat Stanley? Print out the map and sticker sheet provided here to chart your family’s adventures with Stanley. Map Out Your Family Travels With Flat Stanley Take pictures of your family with Flat Stanley at landmarks and recognizable locations during your travels, and share them with us. Use our printable Flat Stanley template to make a Flat Stanley to join you on your family vacation. Share your family’s adventures with Flat Stanley. Take Flat Stanley on Your Family Vacation Getting kids involved with Flat Stanley’s travels is a great way to get them interested in geography. With our printable Flat Stanley template, kids can create their very own Flat Stanley to send to friends, relatives, or celebrities around the world. Looking for Flat Stanley activities to share with your family? Browse our latest Flat Stanley projects and printable activities for fun and educational activities that your kids can do almost anywhere! Help Your Child Mail Flat Stanley Around the World

Flat stanley costume