Wireshark tutorial 2016
Wireshark tutorial 2016

wireshark tutorial 2016

I love the process, I love the sequence of steps of breaking out the puzzle. My goal by installing Kali Linux was to solve any problems and my curiosities related to “some complex-technology stuff or hacking methods scenario and soon”. That happened when i first installed my Kali Linux. And once my computer connected to the router / access point what they are doing when i browsed the Internet? How do these devices (my computer and access point) communicate with each other? But, then I wonder, what is the scenario behind all of this? How could my computer know if there are a lot access points around it? Even I didn’t realize where are the routers placed. Once it’s connected, now I could surf the internet. And then, I tried to connect to target Wi-Fi access point, if it ask for password then input the password. As far as I knew, when i was connecting to a Wi-Fi network, first I turned-on Wi-Fi service on my computer to scan available connection/s around me.

wireshark tutorial 2016

I didn’t know much about networking at that time.

wireshark tutorial 2016

Did you ever imagine or have some curiosities about how network traffic look likes ? If you did, you are not alone, I did too.

Wireshark tutorial 2016